For more than 50 years we have had a corporate philosophy which is based on the expectations of our customers and defines our quality policy.
We see ourselves as your partner for the development and procurement of system solutions for the manufacturing of windows, doors and shading systems.
We took account of the desire of modern society for solutions for energy-efficient construction and intelligent living at an early stage and have continuously expanded our product range, particularly in the field of window and door production, the assembly of components and the motorisation of shading and blackout systems. |
Our "history"
We have been connected to trade and industry since 1969 and very early on, in the early 1970s, the founding fathers of "der heicko" (Dieter Hoier and Horst Eicker) specialized in window construction and operated under the name "heicko Schraubenvertriebs GmbH". |
The consistent implementation of the heicko mission statement and the slogan "the competent connection" led to rapid expansion on the European market in the 80s and 90s. |

51545 Waldbröl
1999 wurde die heutige heicko e-ast GmbH durch den alleinigen Gesellschafter Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Pottgießer erworben und in der Tradition der Gründerväter bis heute stetig ausgebaut. Das Festhalten an Bewährtem bedeutet für uns jedoch keinesfalls Stillstand, sondern ist vielmehr Anreiz für Innovation und Expansion. 2001 erfolgte der Umzug zum heutigen Firmensitz im Gewerbegebiet Waldbröl- Hermesdorf. Die frühe Spezialisierung auf den Fenster- und Rollladenbau sowie die Bauelementmontage und das dadurch erworbene Fachwissen, waren und sind entscheidend für unseren Markterfolg. Im Jahr 2007 wurden Rohrmotoren und Steuerungen für Rollläden in unser Produktsortiment aufgenommen und kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Seit 2020 fertigen wir in Deutschland und Thailand motorisierte Beschattungssysteme
In 1999 today's heicko e-ast GmbH was founded by the sole shareholder Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Pottgiesser and has continued to expand in the tradition of the founding fathers to this day. For us, however, sticking to the tried and tested does not mean standing still, but rather an incentive for innovation and expansion. In 2001, the company moved to its current headquarters in the Waldbröl-Hermesdorf commercial area. The early specialization in the construction of windows and roller shutters as well as the assembly of structural elements and the expertise acquired as a result were and are decisive for our market success. In 2007, tubular motors and controllers for roller shutters were added to our product range and continuously developed. We have been manufacturing motorized shading systems in Germany and Thailand since 2020. |
The heicko group of companies
Highly specialized expertise, the constant expansion of our system solutions, our pronounced customer orientation and an excellent price-performance ratio have meant that "heicko" products also hold their own internationally.
Due to our presence on the international markets, where we adapt to the specific requirements of our customers, we are constantly expanding our know-how to be able to offer new solutions. The heicko group of companies focuses on the markets in Europe and Asia. |
Since 2001, foreign branches have been established in France, Romania, Bosnia and Thailand. heicko sales agencies are located in Poland, Italy, Greece, Taiwan and China. Well-stocked warehouses guarantee our partners consistently high delivery readiness. |
Product development & quality assurance
Product development and its quality assurance are of particular importance. We carry out the new or further development of products and services systematically as part of project management. Over the years, patents and utility model protection have been registered for numerous details in fastening technology and tubular motors. We have been certified according to the quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001 since July 1998.
Development pays off! We face the challenge of constantly developing existing products. In addition, the experiences and wishes of our customers flow into the development of new products. This guarantees a continuous improvement of the product quality and increases the satisfaction and competitiveness of our customers.
We operate preventive error avoidance. Articles that do not meet our strict quality requirements are not even sold. Our benchmark for quality is the satisfaction of our customers. You should come back, not our goods.
Heicko quality is measurable, so our worldwide partner companies must also meet our criteria for a perfect product. Anyone who supplies us must produce according to our standards. Therefore, we develop practical and individual test procedures in order to be able to understand and maintain consistent quality.
"Quality is no coincidence
[...]" (John Ruskin (1819-1900) |
Service and advice When it comes to customer advice and support, we are needs-based and problem-solving-oriented. We think ahead, are reliable and work in partnership. We systematically collect and process customer requests and suggestions. Due to our specialization, we are familiar with the specific problems in practice. That is why we are able to offer technically competent and comprehensive advice. In order to stay up to date, our employees are regularly trained in new developments.
You can benefit from our knowledge too. - We would be happy to advise you!
Behind our sales force is a team of qualified employees. They form the backbone of technical support. If our field service is not available, simply contact our support directly. Here you will get answers to your questions.
We are always there for you! Follow us on social media to stay up to date. |